
Showing posts from 2016

Arabic Plural Female - Jamak Muanats Saleem (جمع المئنث السالم)

in this opportunity Learn Arabic will discuss about plural (female), in Arabic it's called Jamak Muanats Saleem (جمع المئنث السالم), there are two ways to form plural (female) in Arabic: Rafak (رفع) by adding dhamah in the last letter. Nasab (نصب) and Jar (جر) by adding Kasrah in the last letter. Click the picture to enlarge

Plural - Jamak Takseer (جمع التكسير)

In this opportunity Learn Arabic will discuss about plural form - Jamak Takseer (جمع التكسير): Click the picture to enlarge Plural ini Arabic means more than two (three and so on), one type of plural in arabic is Jamak Takseer (جمع التكسير), this plural have no specific formation pattern from its single (مفردة), Jamak Takseer can be for male or female, for example: Kid (طفل) - Kids (اطفال) Dish (طبق) - Dishes (أطباق) Stroke (شوط) - Strokes (أشواط) Month (شهر) - Months (أشهر) Medication (دواء) - Medications (أدوية) Activity (نشاط) - Activities (أنشطة) Mosque (مسجد) - Mosques (مساجد) House (بيت) - Houses (بيوت) Country (بلد) - Countries (بلدان) Student (طالب) - Students (طلاب) Benefit (فائدة) - Benefits (فوائد) Mount (جبل) - Mounts (جبال)

Saheh Character and Mu'tal Character

in Arabic there are  Saheh Character (الحروف الصحيحة) and Mu'tal Character (الحروف المعتلة) : click the picture to enlarge Mu'tal Character (الحروف المعتلة) are alef (ا); wawu (و) and Ya (ي) for example in this words: قالَ دعاَ وجد يقول يدعو يبس يبيع يشتري Sahih Characer (الحروف الصحيحة) is words without Mu'tal Character, for example: باب ابن عنب

Double (المثنى) in Arabic

Double (المثنى) in Arabic : click the picture to enlarge We can make Double / Mutsana (المثنى) by adding some letter to Single / Mufrod (مفرده): Rafak, you can add alef and Nuun (ان) for example: ِرجلاَنِ , اثناَن Nasab, you can add Yaa and Nuun (ين) for example: رجليْنِ , اثنيًنِ

Deleting Nuun (ن) in the Idhafah (الإضافة)

 Deleting Nuun ini Double (المثنى) and Jamak (جمع) in the idhafah  (الإضافة) click the picture to enlarge Nuun in the sentennce at column Aa (أ) is deleted to be sentence in the columen Ba (ب) click the picture to enlarge

Question Words in Arabic

نThere are some question words () in Arabic: click the picture to enlarge The question words are: Who - Man : مَنْ What -  Maa : مَا What - Maazaa : مَاذَا Where - Aena : أَيْنَ When - Mataa : مَتَى Why - Limaazaa : لِمَاذَا How - Kaefa : كَيْفَ How Many / How Much - Kam : كَمْ Which - Ay : أَيّ Do You - Hal  : هَلْ Is - Aa : أَ

Conjunction in Arabic

There are some conjunction in Arabic  (الاسم الموصول) : click the picture to enlarge Some conjunction in Arabic are: Aladze (الذي) for single man (للمفرد المذكر)  Aladzane (اللذان) for double men (لمثني المذكر) Aladzeena (الذين) for plural men (لجماعة الذكور) Alate () for single women and plural (للمفردة المؤنثة و لجمع التكسير لغير العاقل) Alatane () for double women (للمثنى المؤنث) Alaatee () or Alaeee  or plural women (لجماة الإناث)

Changing in Imperative Arabic Word

There are some rule to make imperative (الأمر) word: click the picture to enlarge Imperative word only applied for the second person  (مخاطب): Single man (المفرد المذكر) for example: اركب , انظر , تفضل Single woman (المفردة المئنثة) for example: اركبي , انظري ,تفضلي Double man or woman (المثنى المذكر و المؤنث) for example: اركبا , انظرا , تفضلا Plural man (جماعة المذكور) for example: اركبوا , انظروا , تفضلوا Plural women (جماعة الإناث) for example: اركبن , انظرن , تفضلن

Arabic Changing in the Last Part of Words

in Arabic word often there are changing in the last part of the words, there are 4 changes: click the picture to enlarge The four changes are: Dhamah (الضمة) for example: اطفلُ ; يجلُ Fathah (الفتحة) for example: اطفلَ ;لن يجلَ Kasrah (الكسرة) for example: اطفلِ  Sukuun (السكون) for example: لم يجلْ

Changing in Past Tense Verbs In Arabic

There are some changing in the Past Verbs (الفعل الماضي): End with dhammah (الضم) if it a wawu jamaah (واو الجماعة); for example: صنعوا ; تحدثوا ; حصلوا نجحوا End with sukuun (السكون) if  as Taa fail (تاء الفاعل) or Naa Faailiin  (ناء الفاعل)   or Nuun Niswah  (نون النسوة) for example:  جلست ; حضرت  ; قرأت  ;  كتبنا ; شكرن   End with fatah (الفتح) for example: كان ; صنع ; ظهرت ; أصبح ; أخذ  

Changing in Present Verbs

There are 3 changing in Present Verbs (إعراب الفعل المشارع): Mansuub (المنصوب), for example by inserting article An (أن) and Lan (لن); Majzuum (المجزوم), for example by inserting article Lam (لم) and Laa (لا); Marfuk (المرفوع), if there are no Mansuub (المجزوم) and Majruur (المجزوم) article;

Object Pronouns that Connected to Verbs

In Arabic we can connected the object pronouns (ضمائر) to verbs (فعل): First Person (متكلم) : We can use Ya (ي) for me; and Naa (نا) for us. Second Person (مخاطب) : we can use Kaf (ك) for you (single); Kama (كما) for you (double); Kum (كم) for you (male plural); Kunna (كن) for you (female plural). Third Person (غائب) : we can use Hu (ه) for him; Ha (ها) for her; Huma (هما) for they (double); Hum (هم) for them (male plural); Hunna (هن) for them (female plural).

Plural Noun for Male (جمعالمذكر السالم)

Plural Noun in Arabic for Male, it called jama mudzakkar salim (جمع المذكر السالم) (click the picture to enlarge it) There is two method to make Plural Noun for Male in Arabic: in rafak we add wawu (و) and nuun (ن) in the last word (ون); for example muslimuun (مسلمون) means moslem in nasb we add ya (ي) and nuun (ن) in the last word (ين); for example muradarisiin (المدرسين) means teachers, muhandisin (مهندسين) means engineers

Nasb Particle in Verbs

Nasb Particle in Verbs: Nasb Particle in the present tense (المضارع) by artile An (أن) and Lan (لن)

Identify Verbs and Noun in Arabic

There are several ways to identify a verb or noun in Arabic, one of them by indicating letter " ta nes " (ت): Sign of Noun (الأسماء): Ta Marbutoh (تاء مربوظة), for example: فاطمة Alef Maqsuroh (الف مقصورة), for example: سلمي Alef Mamdudah (الف ممدودة), for example: سمراء Sign of Verb (الافعال): Ta sukon in the end of verb (باء ساكنة في اخر الفعل), for example: خرجت Ta in the beginning of verb (تاء متحركة في اول الفعل), for example: تخرج

Present Tense and Past Tense in Arabic

There are Past Tense in Arabic it called Fiil Madhi (ماض), and Present Tense called Fiil Mudhorek (مضارع), usually Present Tense (مضارع) starts with letters Alif (أ), Nun (ن), Ya (ي) and Ta (ت). Present and Past Tense in Arabic

Transitive and Intransitive Verb in Arabic

Verbs in Arabic can be categorized in two categories: Intransitive verbs (لازم) : is a verb (الفعل) that does not need an object (مفعول) Transitive verbs (متعدي): is a verb (الفعل) that needs an object (مفعول) Transitive and intransitive verb in Arabic: Translation: transitive مُتَعَدِّ Intransitive لازِم Wash تغسل Joy يفرح Prepare تعد Differs يختلف Cleans تنظف Sitting تجلس Educates تربي Healthy يصح Runs تدير Get out تخرج Take تأخذ Sleeps ينام

Nominative and Pronouns in Verbs

Nominative and pronouns in verbs: Translations: Pronouns related ضمائر الرفع المتصلة Speaker المتكلم Addressee المخاطب Actors الفاعلين Two person الاثنين community الجماعة Women النسوة

Pronouns in Arabic

There are several pronouns (ضمر or ضمائر ) in arabic but in the number of things (people) they can be divided into 3 categories: single. Double. Plural. Pronouns  also categorized by the speaker: First Person (متكلم) : I (انا), We (نحن) Second Person (مخاطب) : You (one person male) (أنت), You (two person male/female) (أنتما), You (plural male) (انتم), You (plural female) (أنتن)  Third Person (غائب) : She (one person) (هي), She (for two persons) (هما), They (female) (هن), He (one person) (هو), He (two persons) (هما), They (male)(هم)