
Showing posts from November, 2016

Nominative and Pronouns in Verbs

Nominative and pronouns in verbs: Translations: Pronouns related ضمائر الرفع المتصلة Speaker المتكلم Addressee المخاطب Actors الفاعلين Two person الاثنين community الجماعة Women النسوة

Pronouns in Arabic

There are several pronouns (ضمر or ضمائر ) in arabic but in the number of things (people) they can be divided into 3 categories: single. Double. Plural. Pronouns  also categorized by the speaker: First Person (متكلم) : I (انا), We (نحن) Second Person (مخاطب) : You (one person male) (أنت), You (two person male/female) (أنتما), You (plural male) (انتم), You (plural female) (أنتن)  Third Person (غائب) : She (one person) (هي), She (for two persons) (هما), They (female) (هن), He (one person) (هو), He (two persons) (هما), They (male)(هم)